« Pour l’amour de la langue »
We are here for you!
Bringing francophones together from all horizons
As a unifying organisation, the CCFL's role is promote the synergies and engagement of its members and partners in order to respond to the ever-evolving needs of the community, and to ensure its full potential in all aspects of life in French.

Take a look at our upcoming activities.
Overview of our programs and services
A childcare program offering before and after school services, PD days and camps highlighting the French language.
Culture Hub
A variety of activities celebrating London's French-speaking community in all its diversity: celebrations, festivals, shows and much more.
Adults and Seniors Hub
An engaging environment that offers workshops, recreational activities, outings, technological support, transportation and more.
Sports Program
Program offering a wide range of sports activities in French, including basketball, soccer, volleyball and more.
Age Well at home
Funded in part by the Ministry. The CCFL is pleased to offer the ‘Age well at home’ program. Our goal is to help vulnerable seniors age safely in their own homes through a wide range of services.
Settlement services
This service aims to facilitate the successful integration of newcomers into their new society by providing them with the support, resources and guidance they need to overcome barriers and achieve their integration goals.