Paulette Desjardins
Executive Director - direction@ccflondon.ca
Alexandra Brioso
Assistant director - alexandra.brioso@ccflondon.ca
Pakinam Ghaly
Director of l’Escale - direction.escale@ccflondon.ca
Noura Moussa
Assistant director for l’Escale program - adjointe.escale@ccflondon.ca
Berna Najm
L’Escale - berna.najm@ccflondon.ca
Danielle Tobin
Team lead of AFSL - chefdequipeafsl@ccflondon.ca
Odile Maurand
CAAF (Adults and Seniors Hub) Coordinator - caaf@ccflondon.ca
Olden Toue
Coordinator of the 'Bien Viellir Chez Soi' program - olden.toue@ccflondon.ca
Serge Kabongo
Immigration Services Manager - serge.kabongo@ccflondon.ca
Annonciate Niyondiko
Volunteer Support Agent - annonciate@ccflondon.ca
Félix Ndakoze
Settlement Worker in Schools - felix.ndakoze@ccflondon.ca
Rachid Barrima
Coordinator of the Ethnocultural Hub - rachid.barrima@ccflondon.ca
Delphine Inagateka
Settlement Worker in Schools - delphine.inagateka@ccflondon.ca
Ramona Costantin
Settlement Worker in Schools - ramona.costantin@ccflondon.ca
Félicité Matoka
Settlement Worker in Schools - felicite.matoka@ccflondon.ca
Didier Kabongo
Settlement Worker - didier.kabongo@ccflondon.ca
Aïcha Hassane
Financial Services Officer - dept.finance@ccflondon.ca
Diane Kilbourne
Financial Services Officer - dept.finance@ccflondon.ca
François Kodji
Cultural and Sports Agent - kodjizrafrancois@gmail.com
Evelyne Box
Communications and marketing agent - culture@ccflondon.ca or evelyne.box@ccflondon.ca