Needs and Assets Assessments
The delivery of needs and assets assessment services is a crucial step in the integration journey of newcomers into their host communities. These services focus on a thorough analysis of each individual's needs, skills, and assets, using individual interviews, structured questionnaires, or standardized tools. The objective is to create a comprehensive profile of each newcomer, identifying their priority needs as well as the resources and skills they bring. This thorough analysis allows for the customization of settlement plans, thus more effectively addressing the unique needs of each newcomer. Assessments are designed to lead to rapid and efficient referrals to a range of programs and services, preferably offered in the client's official language and within their chosen community. They evolve with the client as they progress toward full integration, emphasizing needs-based referrals and attentive customer service. This comprehensive assessment covers a wide range of settlement and integration-related areas, including language services, orientation, employment, community connections, mental and physical health, as well as combating family and gender-based violence. Finally, the process concludes with the development of a personalized settlement plan delivered to the client to support their autonomy in their settlement efforts.